We are literally playing the "waiting game' at the moment. My big girl, all 17 and 3/4 years of her, is in her final week of school. It's all about study, cramming in last bits of learning, exams and the build of excitement that 14 years of schooling is nearly over and a whole new life as a University student and more importantly, as an ADULT, is about to unfold…and lets not forget about the amazing overseas adventure to India the day after she finishes her exams, that has been in the planning for a few years!
We are exhausted. Bel's brain can barely take in another mathematics figure, physics equation or art history fact and I have reached the end of my motivator, peaceful environment maker and nutritious food organiser head space. We have had NO social life in months as the weekends have been taken up with art portfolio's and final art works, study and revision.
Lucky for me, quiet weekends mean extra time in the studio and a quicker turnover of paintings. As I generally paint fairly fast, I am constantly pondering ideas for future paintings, stalking favourite artists and flicking through any material that excites my imagination…but some paintings are just inspired by noticing whats going around me…after all "Life is Art".
My girls, as most of their generation seem to be, are constantly attached to their phones…it fills in time that once would have been filled with a book…or nothing. I remember staring into space being a favourite time filler…and it did me no harm…ah? Maybe I have done this rant before? MY young people take note.
When I see amazing light in the house, such as spring light streaming in front doors onto gorgeous Persian Rugs, I often do a quick photo shoot with one of the kids to see how it captures. This one worked. Phone in hand - Bonus.
Intense light. A story. Great pattern on the door and rug. Happy Artist Lady. It wasn't an easy piece…getting a softness into the rug whilst still capturing the feel of pattern was hard! I'm very happy with the result. Lets hope a judge or art collector will be happy too!
It has been excepted as a finalist in the South Perth Emerging Art Prize…24th October - 4th November. Opening night is this Thursday.
Meanwhile, all excitement from the last win has died down, new paintings are on the easel and another paint exhibition is imminent. Good times.
And…guess what? I still haven't gotten back into the blogging habit yet. Just letting you know…think I may find my mojo after year 12 is over!!
Mia x.