2017 - A Debrief

Fine Art by Mia Laing Fine art by Mia Laing
I like nothing better than to look back over my year and give myself a much needed pat on the back for a job well done. Sometimes, in the craziness of this art journey, we forget to take a moment to acknowledge that whilst we may have some frustrating failures, some low times and many, many moments of doubt, if we do a stocktake of the 12 months that was, it really can map out our achievements and give us a starting point to where we are going next. You can read about 2016 here. 2017. Oh my. Somehow, in the midst of a epically challenging year on the home front, I managed to unlock my studio door most mornings and get those paintbrushes moving. It wasn't easy, but I've painted 41 larger pieces (4 more than last year) and a couple of smaller ones Im not bothering to count, so Im calling this a RECORD year.
2017 Landscape art by Mia Laing 2017 Landscape art by Mia Laing
14 still life, 8 landscape, 6 figurative, 13 wildlife and pet portraits...wowsers! Obviously, I still haven't found my dedicated genre and Im not sure I ever will? There is sooooo much I want to paint, how could I possibly narrow it down? There were two major group exhibitions, 12 art shows, a local shire art trail event, two galleries that took my work, one coffee table publication that is hot off the press this Christmas (read all about it here) and I won a People's Choice Award at the Mid West Art Awards. Phew. Gotta be happy with that!
Wildlife Art By Mia Laing Wildlife Art By Mia Laing
Ive made some heart felt decisions of late, to drop the exhibition group I have been involved with over the last 18 months and allow some breathing time with my art/home life balance. My youngest daughter starts her last year of school in February and I am going to attempt to be a domestic goddess wahahahahaha....I am going to attempt to be organised with dinner more than 5 minutes ahead of when we need it. Our divine puppy (goldengirl.gracie on instagram) has given me a reminder of what its like to have a toddler in the house again, and I can tell you, I never did much artwork when I had toddlers, so life has to take a temporary re-arrange until she has done a little bit more growing up and doesn't distract with her cuteness me every 5 minutes.
Underwater Paintings by Mia Laing Underwater Paintings by Mia Laing
It's been an epic year and once again I must thank each and everyone of you for following along with my art journey and my photography (prettyasapixel.mia on instagram) and giving me such tremendous cheering and pep talks from the sidelines. This year in particular, I have been truely grateful for the positive support during some challenging times. Thank you from the bottom of my paint pots. I really, really, really hope you will all sign up for my monthly newsletter (see the pop up or link below). I have some exciting plans that I am still mulling over and I have some painting giveaways for a few lucky readers on my newsletter list. Gotta be in it to win it! Click here to sign up for my monthly newsletter to see my latest artworks! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very, very happy and healthy New Year. Mia x
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