Hello World! Welcome to Mia's Art.

Hi, I'm Mia, a mum to two beautiful daughters, Miss 14 and Miss 11, a wife to "Dude" (Thank you to our nieces for this nickname...long story!) and three pets - felines Connie and Tessa and our blonde bombshell retriever, Rani. For about 13 years now, I have been pursuing a career in art. Until just recently, it was in Children's Illustration but after nearly knocking myself out on every conceivable brick wall, I took a much-needed break and tried my hand at oil painting. That was three years ago and I am in LOVE! "Dude", being an intelligent man, regardless of his silly nickname, has taken heed of the old adage "happy wife, happy life" and having realised that Mia and Art go together as one word, has finished building me a studio in our garden, where I can be as messy and as peaceful as I need to be to turn my painting into a career. Why start a blog? Well, this is where the journey from imagined idea to actual art piece can be consolidated, the solitude of being an artist can be rectified by communication with the wide world outside of my four studio walls and where art meets mummy hood, because number one, my priority is being a mum! These blogs wont be all about Filbert brushes, linseed oil and alizarin crimson, which will drive the average reader to tears in a matter of minutes but about life "at the end of a paintbrush" as a mum (with a teenager!) 3 pets, 2 schools, a hard-working husband and painting! A little bit of this and a little bit of that to balance it all out. I love to paint and take photos and cook (most of the time). I love my Thermomixer and shopping, my house, books, books, books and wasting vast amounts of time on Facebook, Pinterest and reading blogs. Enjoy! x Mia
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