Moving Right Along

Saturday afternoon was the judging of the Mosman Park Art Award. There was an amazing array of artworks on display, including mine, "Look Before You Leap". If we were in the market for some new art pieces in our house, there were so many I could have tucked under my arm and been happy to slide into the back of the car for a journey back to our shack. Community art awards are a fab place to pick up some professionally painted, wonderful artworks...minus the higher prices often associated with the art galleries. Unfortunately though...I didnt win. Boo Hoo to me... I wallowed in "woe is me, what am I doing wrong" self-pity for roughly 1 hour...then I had a bath, armed with the latest copy of 'Australian Artist' magazine to flick through and got myself reinspired pretty darn quickly! There are just sooo many images I want to paint and ideas I am playing with that I havent got time to dwell in the land of what if's. An art life is like that. The winning piece was quite small and part sculpture/ collage. The runner-up was a sculpture. It was the only sculpture in the show. Both pieces were unique, well executed and whimsical. Well done them, I say. It was their time. Art is subjective, not only that, with an acquisitive prize it is also subject to the curators knowing what they are missing from their collection and possibly the size of a piece that they have room for. I took that risk...My painting is on a larger scale! The Mosman Park collection is so big they are moving the Art Award biannually as of next year. Knowing this in hindsight? I wouldn't have changed a thing! I did my best with the skills I have, in the style I love. I could do no more. Bon and I went to church yesterday, its been a few weeks due to all out busy factor. I'm glad I went. I came out of mass feeling refocused, on the right track, exactly where I am meant to be, doing what I am meant to be doing. "Direction not perfection". A little time with God certainly helps to pick up the mood. So here I am...a new week. Moving right along. Yesterday, I think I finished the portrait I have been working on. I'll show it soon, when I decide if its finished! I'm wracking my brain trying to decide what is next...too many ideas! Landscape, still life...another Life portrait. There are also a zillion art shows to enter. What to do? What to do? I'll clean the house and do a food shop...nothing like a bit of mundane housework to ponder these difficult decisions. I will have made a decision by Wednesday, in time for my weekly art class...I'll keep you posted! Mia x
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