My True Love - Pet Portraits

2017. I'm happy to send you on your merry little way. You've been hard. Very hard. You've brought us tears and heartache, worry and stress, much of which I've kept from this blog. We lost our beloved old pooch, Rani; our youngest daughter was seriously ill early in the year and had a month off school in recovery and we lost a gorgeous young friend, far too young in his life, that has left us with shattered hearts. Heartache and tears. Oceans deep. It's also been momentously busy in my art world. Busy to the point of exhaustion, leaving me with a neglected blog, email in-boxes over flowing, photos from our mid year holiday still unedited and a house that needs some serious decluttering and organising. After much pondering and soul-searching, I've decided to take a step back from the exhibition group I've been involved with for the last 18 months, in the quest to find some work/life balance. My youngest daughter is heading into her last year of school; we have our delightful puppy bringing the exuberance of a golden fluff-ball into the house again and I feel the joy of my art and my gorgeous family will be compromised by over committing in 2018. What I am doing though, is to honour my true love...Pet Portraits and have started to take orders ready for the New Year. First in, first served! If you are interested, drop me an email with a high-resolution photo of your fur or feather child and I'll email you back a price list and thoughts on size. Don't you just love the relief that comes from a decision well made? 2018 - We've got this! Mia x P.S. The six paintings above (all 40cm square, on wood panel) are AVAILABLE for sale. Postage world wide.

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