Sculpture by the Sea 2012 (1-19th March)

It's that time of the year again, when the days get a little shorter and the mornings slightly cooler and 'Sculpture by the Sea' graces our shores again. With more than 70 artists with work on display - 31 from Western Australia, 22 from elsewhere in Australia and 20 artists from Japan, Denmark, Italy, China and the US, this annual exhibition is an enjoyable FREE outing at one of our most beautiful beaches, Cottesloe.So, after school on friday, I grabbed the girls and my trusty camera bag and headed out for a stroll in the sun. It's amazing seeing Cottesloe Beach transformed into a stunning sculpture park.'Shipwreck' Most of the exhibitions are kid friendly and interactive, though there did seem to be a lot of DO NOT TOUCH signs scattered around the beach area.'The New Covenant" There are so many unique and diverse displays within the park. Some, incredibly simple but very effective in speaking their message, such as this one. An ode to our shopping obsession, complete with shopping trolleys to hold this pretty iridescent arch in place.'Convolution' An aluminium shape reminiscent of a shell. 'Just Another Conversation' Unique....did I already mention unique? Wow, I would love to see the bill for plumbing of this size!It's made of 365 stainless steel - No rusty parts on this baby! 'Dump' This one was definitely a hit with all the little kids...made entirely of foam mat and styrene and the winner of the 'Sculpture By the Sea' NAB WA Sculptor scholarship. A scholarship implemented to get the recipient started on the next level of their career as a sculptor. Sounds like I need one of these scholarships for my painting!! 'Trace - sphere - gate' 4 cast iron figures, imposingly tall and solid overlooking the beach. 'Oh My God' What teenager wouldn't love this one? And yes, it's often overheard at sunset! 'Migrating Spirits' Made in copper by one of WA's most prominent sculptors, Ron Gomboc, it tells of the migration of the whales. It's beautiful with its patina of green. Aaah! Cottesloe, how we love you! 'Dream Cloud' I would love this one in my garden, feminine, tactile and smooth. A little bit blingy with its glass nuggets . Think I may have a little Bower Bird within me! 'oushi-zokei' A large white and black granite carving by one of the visiting Japanese artists. The logistics of getting this sculpture into place is astounding! 'Meeting' Bon decided to join in the circle of red men to see what they were chatt'n about. Seems like they decided Cott was a groovy place to pull up camp for a few weeks. 'Vehicle' One for the boys...a panel van made entirely of welded steel metal. The country meets the city. 'Freedom' A giant stainless steel cockerel by another of the Japanese artists. Gorgeous and intricately detailed. Definitely my favourite! 'Ship of Fools' Hmmm...I think we often have one of these when we take the boat out! It's big, bright and sparkly. Completely covered in glass mosaic. ...and the girls loved the long, blonde plait! Our Indian ocean - Perth has some of the most glorious sunsets of any major city in the world. 'Caliban' Colossal. 2 metres high! An imposing crouching figure overlooking the beach front. "OMG - It's freezing!!" Perth, where the air is very hot but the water is definitely NOT! Bel, trying the wind-swept pose!Bon, trying a serious, stare into the distance pose! (Her doing not mine!)If you are in Perth over the next few weeks, put a few hours aside to visit the Sculpture by the Sea. It is a terrific way to see the diversity of talent in the sculpture world, all the while enjoying one of Perth's most popular beaches. We had a lovely afternoon. Unfortunately, hungry, rumbling tummies meant we left before the sunset! Sometimes, just sometimes, you gotta miss a pretty sunset! PS....please excuse my lack of sculpture terminology!! I'm a painter after all! PPS....There are many, many more sculptures to see than the few I have shown. It's almost worth two trips to take it all in. Enjoy x Mia
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