Life at the end of a paintbrush

copyright Mia laing 2013

'In Daddy's Arm's'

Mia Laing

'In Daddy's Arm's'Oil on canvas 201324x30 inches Oil painting is not the easiest of mediums to learn. There are rules. There are regulations. Get it wrong and you can end...

'In Daddy's Arm's'

Mia Laing

'In Daddy's Arm's'Oil on canvas 201324x30 inches Oil painting is not the easiest of mediums to learn. There are rules. There are regulations. Get it wrong and you can end...

copyright Mia laing 2013

Welcome to Spring - Photo Style!

Mia Laing

School holidays. What's not to love about them. Sleep in's, pyjama time, no routine, my girls. The down side... a lot less art time! I'm nearly, nearly finished a new...

Welcome to Spring - Photo Style!

Mia Laing

School holidays. What's not to love about them. Sleep in's, pyjama time, no routine, my girls. The down side... a lot less art time! I'm nearly, nearly finished a new...

Brown Paper Packages...

Brown Paper Packages...

Mia Laing

I seriously thought I had nothing to write about this week. I was thinking I needed to do a "Nothing to see here people" shout out due to school holiday...

Brown Paper Packages...

Mia Laing

I seriously thought I had nothing to write about this week. I was thinking I needed to do a "Nothing to see here people" shout out due to school holiday...

copyright Mia Laing 2013

I'll Paint for someone Else

Mia Laing

I crashed into a heap on exhausted I could barely lift each limb. After an hours walk with fur child and one real child, my muscles were aching, my...

I'll Paint for someone Else

Mia Laing

I crashed into a heap on exhausted I could barely lift each limb. After an hours walk with fur child and one real child, my muscles were aching, my...

copyright 2013 Mia Laing

'The Shell Seekers'

Mia Laing

'The Shell Seekers'2013 - Oil on canvas 30x40 inches In my quest to find images that fit with 'figurative story telling', I decided to tackle an image that I first...

'The Shell Seekers'

Mia Laing

'The Shell Seekers'2013 - Oil on canvas 30x40 inches In my quest to find images that fit with 'figurative story telling', I decided to tackle an image that I first...

copyright Mia Laing 2012


Mia Laing

'Childhood Memories'oil on canvas - 2012NFS This is a little old house in York, Western Australia, where my Mama spent most of her school holidays as a child...over 65 years...


Mia Laing

'Childhood Memories'oil on canvas - 2012NFS This is a little old house in York, Western Australia, where my Mama spent most of her school holidays as a child...over 65 years...